
paper (EN)
nom, verb

nom “paper”

singular paper, plural papers o invariable
  1. paper
    She needed some paper to wrap the gift.
  2. un full o tros de paper
    He scribbled his address on a paper and handed it to me.
  3. diari
    He reads the morning paper over breakfast.
  4. article
    The researchers presented their paper on renewable energy.
  5. un assaig o informe escrit per un estudiant
    She is working on her final paper for English class.
  6. examen
    The students studied hard for the math paper.
  7. paper pintat
    They chose a striped paper to decorate the hallway.
  8. paper (mà oberta en el joc "pedra, paper, tisores")
    He played paper, but I beat him with scissors.
  9. diners, especialment en forma de bitllets
    He's earning good paper at his new job.
  10. valors (documents financers)
    Investors are buying government paper as a safe investment.

verb “paper”

infinitiu paper; ell papers; passat papered; part. pass. papered; ger. papering
  1. empaperar
    They decided to paper the bedroom with a floral pattern.
  2. empaperar la propietat d'algú amb paper higiènic com a broma
    On Halloween, the teenagers papered their neighbor's trees.