life (EN)

lietvārds “life”

sg. life, pl. lives or uncountable
  1. dzīvība
    The discovery of microbial life on Mars would be a groundbreaking scientific achievement.
  2. dzīve (laika periods no dzimšanas līdz nāvei)
    She spent her life traveling the world and learning new languages.
  3. jēgpilna eksistence
    Spending every weekend cooped up in the office, missing out on family time—that's hardly a life.
  4. dzīves joma (piemēram, darba dzīve vai ģimenes dzīve)
    She found her academic life fulfilling, but her romantic life was complicated and unsatisfying.
  5. kas ir būtiski kāda eksistences sastāvdaļa
    My wife is my life.
  6. lietošanas laiks (lietas darbības laiks)
    The battery life of my new phone is much better than the old one.
  7. ilgstot līdz mūža beigām
    The Supreme Court justices in the United States are appointed for life.
  8. mūža ieslodzījums
    The judge handed down a life sentence, ensuring the criminal would spend the rest of his days behind bars.
  9. dzīvotspēja
    The child's laughter brought life to the otherwise silent house.
  10. visenerģiskākā vai izklaidējošākā persona grupā
    Whenever she's at a gathering, her infectious laughter and stories make her the life of the party.
  11. biogrāfija
    I'm reading a fascinating life of Abraham Lincoln that provides new insights into his presidency.
  12. dzīvība (spēlē - iespēja turpināt spēli pēc kļūdas)
    I was down to my last life when I finally defeated the final boss in the game.