cold (EN)
īpašības vārds, lietvārds, apstākļa vārds

īpašības vārds “cold”

cold, colder, coldest
  1. auksts
    She sipped her coffee only to find it had gone cold.
  2. vēss (kas padara apkārtējo gaisu ne siltu)
    Bundle up before you go outside; the cold wind is biting today.
  3. sala (piedzīvojot siltuma trūkumu, kas rada diskomfortu)
    After forgetting his coat, Tom felt incredibly cold in the brisk winter air.
  4. nejauks (neizrādot siltumu uzvedībā vai attieksmē)
    His handshake was cold and perfunctory, devoid of any warmth or friendliness.
  5. nežēlīgs (kurā trūkst laipnības vai līdzjūtības)
    When he fired her just before Christmas without any warning, everyone thought it was a really cold thing to do.
  6. neitrāls (bez emocijām ietekmējot spriedumu)
    She gave a cold analysis of the facts, without letting her emotions interfere.
  7. nepagatavots (bez iepriekšējām zināšanām vai sagatavošanās)
    She walked into the meeting cold, having received no agenda or background information.
  8. apātisks (neesot modrs vai apzinīgs)
    After the powerful sedative took effect, she was out cold on the hospital bed.
  9. pilnībā zināms (zināms pilnībā un rūpīgi)
    Before the interview, she rehearsed her presentation until she had it down cold.
  10. noķerts (noķerts aktā vai pierādīts vainīgs)
    When the hidden camera footage surfaced, we had the thief cold.
  11. tālu (tālu no pareizās atbildes vai vietas)
    As you moved away from the hidden teddy bear, I said, "You're getting colder, go back the other way!"
  12. zils (ar zilganu vai vēsu nokrāsu)
    The artist's use of cold blues and greens gave the winter landscape painting a chilling, almost frosty atmosphere.
  13. neaktīvs (kas netiek bieži lietots vai apmeklēts)
    The company moved the colder customer data to cheaper, less frequently accessed servers to optimize storage costs.

lietvārds “cold”

sg. cold, pl. colds or uncountable
  1. aukstums
    After playing in the snow, the children huddled by the fireplace to escape the bitter cold.
  2. aizmirstība (situācija, kad tiek izslēgts vai atstāts novārtā)
    After the company's restructure, many long-time employees found themselves in the cold, with no prospects within the firm.
  3. saaukstēšanās
    After playing in the rain, Jenny developed a cold and couldn't stop sneezing all day.

apstākļa vārds “cold”

  1. auksti (darot kaut ko temperatūrā, kas nav silta)
    The pasta was served cold, straight from the fridge.
  2. neierunājoties (veicot bez iepriekšējas sagatavošanās)
    She decided to audition cold, without even glancing at the script beforehand.