
fix (EN)
этиш, аталыш сөз

этиш “fix”

инфинитив fix; ал fixes; өткөн чак fixed; өткөн пат. fixed; гер. fixing
  1. оңдоо
    The mechanic fixed the car after it broke down on the highway.
  2. бекитүү
    She fixed the curtains to the rod before the guests arrived.
  3. даярдоо (тамак-аш же суусундук)
    Let me fix you a cup of tea while you wait.
  4. белгилөө (датаны же бааны)
    They fixed the time for the meeting at 10 AM.
  5. тиктөө
    The speaker fixed his eyes on the audience as he delivered his message.
  6. бурмалоо (өз пайдасына)
    The investigators suspected that someone had fixed the election results.
  7. өч алуу
    He swore he'd fix anyone who tried to cheat him.
  8. тукумсуздандыруу
    They took their cat to the vet to get her fixed.
  9. (химияда же биологияда) затты туруктуу же сиңимдүү кылуу
    Certain bacteria help fix nitrogen in the soil.
  10. (фотографияда) химиялык иштетүү аркылуу фотографиялык сүрөттү туруктуу кылуу
    She carefully fixed the photograph in the darkroom after developing it.

аталыш сөз “fix”

жекелик fix, көптүк fixes
  1. оңдоо (же көйгөйдү чечүү)
    The engineer came up with a fix for the software bug in no time.
  2. кыйын абал
    Without enough money to pay the bill, they were in a fix.
  3. Көнүмүш адатка айланган заттын дозасы.
    The patient was craving a fix to ease the withdrawal symptoms.
  4. бурмаланган абал
    The team suspected that the game was a fix after the referee's questionable calls.
  5. жайгашкан жерди аныктоо
    The pilot got a fix on their position before descending.