just (EN)
kata kriya, sifat

kata kriya “just”

  1. mung
    I just need a pen to sign the document.
  2. mbatalake usaha sing wis digawe
    He studied all night just to fail the test.
  3. temenan
    The colors in the sunset are just amazing.
  4. mung sawetara wektu kepungkur
    I just finished my homework, so I'm free now.
  5. mung (kanthi konteks sing nuduhake kanthi sithik utawa cedhak)
    I just made it to the train before the doors closed.
  6. pas
    The picture is hung just so, with perfect alignment.

sifat “just”

just, non-gradable
  1. adil
    The judge's decision was just and fair to both parties.
  2. nyata
    Her prediction turned out to be just, as the results confirmed her theory.