just (EN)
határozószó, melléknév

határozószó “just”

  1. csak
    I just need a pen to sign the document.
  2. semmisíti meg a befektetett erőfeszítést
    He studied all night just to fail the test.
  3. teljesen
    The colors in the sunset are just amazing.
  4. éppen most
    I just finished my homework, so I'm free now.
  5. alig
    I just made it to the train before the doors closed.
  6. pontosan
    The picture is hung just so, with perfect alignment.

melléknév “just”

just, non-gradable
  1. igazságos
    The judge's decision was just and fair to both parties.
  2. valós
    Her prediction turned out to be just, as the results confirmed her theory.