into (EN)
kata sandhangan

kata sandhangan “into”

  1. mlebu
    The cat jumped into the open box on the floor.
  2. ngadep (ngadep menyang arah sesuatu)
    Could you speak into the microphone, please?
  3. nabrak (kanggo nuduhake gerakan menyang titik tabrakan)
    The soccer ball flew into the window, shattering the glass.
  4. nganti (nganti wektu tartamtu)
    We played games well into the early hours of the morning.
  5. dadi (proses owah dadi wujud utawa zat liya)
    The caterpillar transformed into a beautiful butterfly.
  6. dipérang (dipérang dadi bagéan utawa seksi)
    The teacher split the class into groups of four.
  7. sawisé (sawisé wektu tartamtu wiwit wiwitan)
    Ten minutes into the movie, the power went out.
  8. kasengsem (kasengsem marang sesuatu)
    He's really into jazz music these days.
  9. nyinaoni (nyinaoni topik utawa masalah tartamtu)
    The detective is looking into the mysterious circumstances surrounding the case.