
smooth (EN)
aggettivo, verbo

aggettivo “smooth”

smooth, comp. smoother, sup. smoothest
  1. liscio
    The marble countertop was smooth and cool under my hand.
  2. senza intoppi
    The event's organization was smooth from start to finish.
  3. suave e affascinante nei modi
    He was a smooth guy, always knowing what to say.
  4. morbido (di un suono, piacevole e non aspro)
    The singer's smooth voice captivated the audience.
  5. Morbido (di un sapore, non troppo forte)
    This coffee variety tastes really smooth.
  6. Liscio (di acqua, calmo, senza onde)
    The lake was smooth like glass at dawn.
  7. fluente
    The dancer's movements were smooth and effortless.
  8. Liscio (avente una consistenza uniforme, non granuloso)
    The soup was blended until it was smooth.
  9. Liscio (in matematica, avente derivate di tutti gli ordini, molto regolare nel calcolo)
    The graph shows a smooth curve without any sharp turns.
  10. Liscio (in medicina, di tessuto muscolare, presente negli organi interni per il movimento involontario)
    Smooth muscle helps move food through the digestive system.

verbo “smooth”

infinito smooth; lui smooths; pass. smoothed; p.p. smoothed; ger. smoothing
  1. stirare
    She smoothed the tablecloth before setting the plates.
  2. levigare
    She used sandpaper to smooth the rough edges of the wooden table.
  3. facilitare (eliminando difficoltà)
    He tried to smooth the path for her career advancement.
  4. (in analisi dei dati) ridurre le irregolarità nei dati
    The analyst smoothed the data to show the underlying trend.