sypat söz “smooth”
smooth, artyk dereje smoother, iň dereje smoothest
- tekiz
Hasaba alyň, mysal sözlemleriň terjimelerini we her bir sözüň bir dilli düşündirişlerini görmek üçin.
The marble countertop was smooth and cool under my hand.
- bökdençsiz
The event's organization was smooth from start to finish.
- ýumşak we özüne çekiji häsiýetde
He was a smooth guy, always knowing what to say.
- ýumşak (sesiň, ýakymly we ýumşak däl)
The singer's smooth voice captivated the audience.
- ýumşak (tagamy, aşa güýçli däl)
This coffee variety tastes really smooth.
- tekiz (suw, asuda; tolkunsyz)
The lake was smooth like glass at dawn.
- akgynly
The dancer's movements were smooth and effortless.
- Tekiz (birmeňzeş gurluşly, üwme däl)
The soup was blended until it was smooth.
- Tekiz (matematika boýunça, ähli derejeleriň türevlerine eýe bolan; hasaplamada gaty yzygiderli)
The graph shows a smooth curve without any sharp turns.
- ýumşak (lukmançylykda, myşsa dokumasy barada, meýletin däl hereket üçin içki organlarda tapylýar)
Smooth muscle helps move food through the digestive system.
fiil “smooth”
infinitive smooth; ol smooths; geçmiş wagty smoothed; geçmiş part. smoothed; ger. smoothing
- ütüklemek
She smoothed the tablecloth before setting the plates.
- tekizlemek
She used sandpaper to smooth the rough edges of the wooden table.
- ýeňilleşdirmek (kynçylyklary aýyrmak bilen)
He tried to smooth the path for her career advancement.
- (maglumatlary seljermekde) maglumatlardaky näsazlyklary azaltmak
The analyst smoothed the data to show the underlying trend.