
smooth (EN)
pridevnik, glagol

pridevnik “smooth”

smooth, prim. smoother, pres. smoothest
  1. gladek
    The marble countertop was smooth and cool under my hand.
  2. nemoten
    The event's organization was smooth from start to finish.
  3. Prefinjen in očarljiv v vedenju.
    He was a smooth guy, always knowing what to say.
  4. gladek (pri zvoku, prijeten in ne oster)
    The singer's smooth voice captivated the audience.
  5. Nežen (pri okusu, ne preveč močan)
    This coffee variety tastes really smooth.
  6. miren (pri vodi, miren; brez valov)
    The lake was smooth like glass at dawn.
  7. tekoč
    The dancer's movements were smooth and effortless.
  8. gladek (ki ima enakomerno teksturo, ni zrnast)
    The soup was blended until it was smooth.
  9. Gladko (v matematiki, z odvodi vseh redov, zelo pravilno v računu)
    The graph shows a smooth curve without any sharp turns.
  10. Gladka (v medicini, za mišično tkivo, najdeno v notranjih organih za nehoteno gibanje)
    Smooth muscle helps move food through the digestive system.

glagol “smooth”

nedoločnik smooth; on smooths; preteklik smoothed; deležnik preteklik smoothed; gerundij smoothing
  1. zgladiti (gube)
    She smoothed the tablecloth before setting the plates.
  2. zgladiti (površino)
    She used sandpaper to smooth the rough edges of the wooden table.
  3. olajšati (odstraniti težave)
    He tried to smooth the path for her career advancement.
  4. (z analizo podatkov) zmanjšati nepravilnosti v podatkih
    The analyst smoothed the data to show the underlying trend.