take (EN)
sögn, Nafnorð

sögn “take”

take; he takes; past took, part. taken; ger. taking
  1. taka
    She took the book from the shelf to read it.
  2. leggja undir sig (eða "taka eignarhald")
    Jim took his sister's pencil.
  3. veiða
    She took three trout from the stream before noon.
  4. innheimta
    The long hours of work took a heavy toll on her health.
  5. vinna (í leik)
    In a swift move, she took his queen with her knight.
  6. grípa (í krikket, sérstaklega af vallarverði)
    The wicket-keeper took a spectacular catch after the batsman nicked the ball.
  7. She took the gift with a smile, thanking her friend for the thoughtful gesture.
  8. þiggja (sem greiðslu)
    The coffee shop takes only cash, no credit cards.
  9. fylgja (ráðum eða leiðbeiningum)
    When your doctor suggests more rest, you should really take her recommendation seriously.
  10. erfa
    After her grandmother passed away, Jessica did not take under her will as an heir.
  11. eigna sér
    She took the praise for the cake, even though her sister was the one who baked it.
  12. fjarlægja
    I took three pieces of bread from the dish to make it look symmetrical.
  13. drepa
    The raging flood took two victims from the small village.
  14. draga frá
    If you take two from five, you'll have three remaining.
  15. sigra
    Do you think I could take that guy in a fight?
  16. halda (í eitthvað)
    She took his hand.
  17. velja (eða "taka afstöðu með")
    When the class voted on the movie to watch, Mark took Maria's side and rallied others to support it.
  18. taka með sér
    He took his dog for a walk in the park every morning.
  19. flytja
    The ferry takes passengers across the lake every hour.
  20. leiðbeina
    The bridge takes you directly to the other side of the river.
  21. fara í gegnum (eða "taka leið um")
    He took the shortcut through the park to avoid the traffic on the main road.
  22. fylgja (einhverjum á stað)
    After the meeting, I took the client to the airport.
  23. nota (samgöngumáta)
    I'll take the bus to get to the city center.
  24. leigja
    He took out a loan to buy his first car.
  25. taka inn (lyf eða eiturlyf)
    She took her antibiotics with a glass of water as prescribed by her doctor.
  26. neyta
    She takes her coffee black every morning.
  27. upplifa
    She decided to take a risk and invest in the new startup company.
  28. sýna (tilfinningu eða eiginleika)
    He took great joy in teaching his grandchildren how to fish.
  29. þola
    She took the criticism with grace, never once losing her smile.
  30. verða fyrir tjóni
    During the storm, the old oak tree took a lightning strike and split in half.
  31. taka þátt í
    He's taking a break from work to focus on his mental health.
  32. breyta (ástandi eða stöðu)
    She took the room from messy to immaculate in just an hour.
  33. skynja (eða "taka eitthvað á tiltekinn hátt")
    She took his silence as a sign of agreement.
  34. ákveða
    After much thought, she took the decision that the project was no longer worth pursuing.
  35. túlka
    Please take my advice as a suggestion, not a command.
  36. trúa (á eitthvað sem einhver segir)
    When he told me he was stuck in traffic, I took his word for it and waited patiently.
  37. líta á
    She took the noise in the attic to be the sound of a trapped bird.
  38. draga ályktun
    From his smile, I took that he was pleased with the news.
  39. (titil eða nafn frá uppruna)
    The movie "Blade Runner" took its name from a novel by William S. Burroughs, though the story is based on Philip K. Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
  40. smitast
    She took a cold after walking in the rain without an umbrella.
  41. taka upp (eða "geta meðhöndlað efni")
    The sponge took the spilled wine quickly, absorbing every drop.
  42. taka inn vatn (í skip)
    During the storm, the old fishing boat took so much water that the crew had to work tirelessly to keep it afloat.
  43. krefjast
    Learning to play the piano takes patience and practice.
  44. setjast í (sæti eða stöðu)
    She took her place at the table, ready for dinner.
  45. taka (tíma eða rými)
    Our old stuff takes an entire room.
  46. taka (ákv. tíma)
    Fixing the car took the whole afternoon.
  47. nýta (tækifæri)
    She took advantage of the sale to buy a new laptop at half price.
  48. framkvæma
    Every morning, she takes a jog around the park to stay fit.
  49. taka á sig (ákv. form)
    The mist took the shape of a mysterious figure as it hovered over the lake.
  50. leika (ákv. hlutverk)
    In the school play, Sarah took the role of the queen with great enthusiasm.
  51. hefja störf
    After the election, she took the role of mayor with great enthusiasm.
  52. skuldbinda sig (við eið eða loforð)
    She took the pledge to serve the community with dedication.
  53. fara (leið)
    To reach the park quicker, we took the shortcut through the alley.
  54. ganga inn í
    She took her seat at the front of the classroom.
  55. leita skjóls
    When the storm hit, we quickly took refuge in the basement.
  56. mæla
    Before administering the medication, the nurse took the patient's blood pressure to ensure it was safe to proceed.
  57. skrá
    During the meeting, she took notes on the new project plan to ensure she wouldn't forget any details.
  58. taka (ljósmynd eða myndband)
    He took a picture of the sunset with his new camera.
  59. svíkja (peninga frá einhverjum)
    The con artist took the elderly couple for all their savings.
  60. skrá sig í (námskeið eða læra eitthvað)
    He decided to take Spanish next year to communicate better on his travels.
  61. meðhöndla
    When challenges come your way, it's best to take them one at a time.
  62. taka sem dæmi
    She's always been quick to learn new languages; take her proficiency in Spanish, which she achieved in just one year.
  63. sleppa því að slá (í hafnaboltaleik)
    With a 3-0 count, the batter took the next pitch, hoping for a walk.
  64. krefjast (ákv. málfræðilegrar myndar)
    In German, the verb "helfen" takes the dative case, so you would say "Ich helfe dem Mann."
  65. taka við (ákv. fjölda raka í falli)
    The command takes three parameters: the file path, the mode of access, and the buffer size.
  66. festa rætur
    After planting the cuttings in moist soil, we waited eagerly to see if they would take and flourish.

Nafnorð “take”

sg. take, pl. takes or uncountable
  1. töku (í kvikmyndagerð)
    After three failed attempts, the director was pleased with the fourth take of the dramatic monologue.
  2. upptaka (af tónlistarflutningi)
    After three failed attempts, the band finally got a perfect take of their new song.
  3. skoðun
    After watching the film, Jenny's take was that the symbolism represented the struggle between technology and nature.
  4. túlkun
    Her fresh take on the classic fairy tale included modern themes and technology.
  5. ágóði
    After the charity gala, the organizers were thrilled with the night's take, which far exceeded their expectations.
  6. aflinn
    After a day at sea, the fishermen were pleased with their large take of tuna.
  7. veiði (vel heppnuð gríp í rúgby eða krikket)
    The crowd erupted in cheers as the wicket-keeper made a spectacular take behind the stumps.