
test (EN)
sustantivo, verbo

sustantivo “test”

sing. test, pl. tests
  1. examen
    The students were nervous before taking the final test in history class.
  2. prueba
    The engineers conducted a test to determine the durability of the new material.
  3. desafío
    Climbing the mountain was a test of their endurance.
  4. prueba (medicina, un procedimiento realizado para detectar o diagnosticar una enfermedad o condición)
    The doctor recommended a blood test to check her iron levels.
  5. (cricket) un partido jugado durante varios días entre equipos internacionales de cricket
    The cricket fans were excited about the upcoming Test between England and India.
  6. (biología) la concha externa dura de ciertos organismos marinos como los erizos de mar
    She collected several sea urchin tests while walking along the beach.

verbo “test”

infinitivo test; él tests; pret. tested; part. tested; ger. testing
  1. examinar (administrar un examen a alguien)
    The instructor will test the students on chapter five.
  2. probar (examinar o evaluar algo)
    The engineer tested the software for bugs.
  3. poner a prueba
    The difficult puzzle tested her problem-solving skills.
  4. realizar un examen médico
    The doctor tested her eyesight.
  5. dar positivo/negativo (en una prueba médica)
    He tested positive for COVID-19.
  6. Analizar (química, examinar una sustancia usando un reactivo para detectar la presencia de un componente particular)
    They tested the water for contaminants using various chemical tests.