samostalnik “test”
ednina test, množina tests
- izpit
Prijavite se za ogled prevodov primerov stavkov in enojezičnih definicij vsake besede.
The students were nervous before taking the final test in history class.
- preizkus
The engineers conducted a test to determine the durability of the new material.
- preizkušnja
Climbing the mountain was a test of their endurance.
- test (medicina, postopek, ki se izvaja za odkrivanje ali diagnosticiranje bolezni ali stanja)
The doctor recommended a blood test to check her iron levels.
- (kriket) tekma, ki se igra več dni med mednarodnimi kriket ekipami
The cricket fans were excited about the upcoming Test between England and India.
- (biologija) trda zunanja lupina nekaterih morskih organizmov, kot so morski ježki
She collected several sea urchin tests while walking along the beach.
glagol “test”
nedoločnik test; on tests; preteklik tested; deležnik preteklik tested; gerundij testing
- Testirati (izvesti izpit nekomu)
The instructor will test the students on chapter five.
- Preizkusiti (pregledati ali oceniti nekaj)
The engineer tested the software for bugs.
- preizkusiti
The difficult puzzle tested her problem-solving skills.
- opraviti zdravniški pregled
The doctor tested her eyesight.
- testirati se (z določenim rezultatom)
He tested positive for COVID-19.
- testirati (kemija, preiskati snov z uporabo reagenta za zaznavanje prisotnosti določenega sestavnega dela)
They tested the water for contaminants using various chemical tests.