
test (EN)
ot, feʼl

ot “test”

birlik test, koʻplik tests
  1. imtihon
    The students were nervous before taking the final test in history class.
  2. sinov
    The engineers conducted a test to determine the durability of the new material.
  3. sinov (qobiliyatlarni ko'rsatadigan vaziyat)
    Climbing the mountain was a test of their endurance.
  4. Tahlil (tibbiyot, kasallik yoki holatni aniqlash yoki tashxislash uchun bajariladigan protsedura)
    The doctor recommended a blood test to check her iron levels.
  5. (kriket) xalqaro kriket jamoalari oʻrtasida bir necha kun davomida oʻtkaziladigan oʻyin
    The cricket fans were excited about the upcoming Test between England and India.
  6. (biologiya) dengiz kirpilari kabi ba'zi dengiz organizmlarining qattiq tashqi qobig'i
    She collected several sea urchin tests while walking along the beach.

feʼl “test”

infinitive test; u tests; oʻtgan zamon tested; oʻtgan zamon part. tested; ger. testing
  1. Sinovdan oʻtkazmoq (biror kishiga imtihon oʻtkazish).
    The instructor will test the students on chapter five.
  2. Sinamoq (nimanidir tekshirish yoki baholash).
    The engineer tested the software for bugs.
  3. sinamoq
    The difficult puzzle tested her problem-solving skills.
  4. Tibbiy ko'rik o'tkazish.
    The doctor tested her eyesight.
  5. tahlil qilinmoq
    He tested positive for COVID-19.
  6. Sinash (kimyo, ma'lum bir komponentning mavjudligini aniqlash uchun reagent yordamida moddani tekshirish).
    They tested the water for contaminants using various chemical tests.