vote (EN)
noun, verb

noun “vote”

sg. vote, pl. votes
  1. a formal decision made by voting
    The board members took a vote to decide who would be the new CEO.
  2. a single instance of making a choice by using a ballot
    She cast her vote in the local election to choose the new mayor.
  3. the total of all votes cast in an election
    In the final count, he received 55% of the vote.
  4. the entitlement of a person to participate in elections and make their choices through voting
    In many countries, citizens gain the vote when they turn 18.

verb “vote”

vote; he votes; past voted, part. voted; ger. voting
  1. to take part in an election
    I will vote in the school election tomorrow.
  2. (often followed by "for") to choose a particular person or option
    She decided to vote for the new school policy.
  3. (usually in the passive) to be publicly declared to be
    The movie was voted the best of the year.
  4. to select (someone) for a particular role through a voting process
    She was voted class president by her classmates.
  5. to decide by vote to grant something, often a benefit, to oneself or others
    The committee voted him a special award for his hard work.
  6. to propose an idea or endorse someone else's suggestion
    She voted to watch a movie instead of playing games.