Nafnorð “vote”
eintala vote, fleirtala votes
- atkvæði
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
The board members took a vote to decide who would be the new CEO.
- atkvæði (einstakt val)
She cast her vote in the local election to choose the new mayor.
- atkvæðatala
In the final count, he received 55% of the vote.
- kosningaréttur
In many countries, citizens gain the vote when they turn 18.
sögn “vote”
nafnháttur vote; hann votes; þátíð voted; lh. þt. voted; nhm. voting
- kjósa
I will vote in the school election tomorrow.
- kjósa (fyrir)
She decided to vote for the new school policy.
- vera kosinn
The movie was voted the best of the year.
- kjósa (í hlutverk)
She was voted class president by her classmates.
- samþykkja (með atkvæðum)
The committee voted him a special award for his hard work.
- leggja til (hugmynd)
She voted to watch a movie instead of playing games.