
commercial (EN)
adjectiu, nom

adjectiu “commercial”

forma base commercial (more/most)
  1. comercial
    There are several commercial buildings in this area.
  2. comercial (només davant d'un nom, destinat a guanyar diners)
    You need to obtain a licence for commercial use if you want to use the song in your video.
  3. comercial (relatiu al comerç o als negocis)
    She is studying commercial law at university.
  4. comercial (enfocat més a fer diners que a la qualitat)
    The band's new album sounds too commercial.
  5. comercial (aviació, que implica l'activitat de transportar passatgers o càrrega amb finalitats de lucre)
    He obtained his commercial pilot's license last year.

nom “commercial”

singular commercial, plural commercials
  1. anunci
    She starred in a commercial for a new car.
  2. operador comercial
    Commercials are often hedging in futures markets.