
commercial (EN)
adjectif, nom

adjectif “commercial”

forme de base commercial (more/most)
  1. commercial
    There are several commercial buildings in this area.
  2. commercial (uniquement avant un nom, destiné à gagner de l'argent)
    You need to obtain a licence for commercial use if you want to use the song in your video.
  3. commercial (relatif au commerce ou aux affaires)
    She is studying commercial law at university.
  4. commercial (axé davantage sur le gain d'argent que sur la qualité)
    The band's new album sounds too commercial.
  5. commercial (aviation, impliquant l'activité de transporter des passagers ou du fret à des fins lucratives)
    He obtained his commercial pilot's license last year.

nom “commercial”

s. commercial, pl. commercials
  1. publicité
    She starred in a commercial for a new car.
  2. commerçant (dans le domaine financier)
    Commercials are often hedging in futures markets.