
commercial (EN)
sifat, kata benda

sifat “commercial”

bentuk dasar commercial (more/most)
  1. dagang
    There are several commercial buildings in this area.
  2. komersial (mung sadurunge tembung aran, dimaksudake kanggo ngasilake dhuwit)
    You need to obtain a licence for commercial use if you want to use the song in your video.
  3. komersial (sing ana gandheng cenenge karo perdagangan utawa bisnis)
    She is studying commercial law at university.
  4. komersial (luwih fokus kanggo ngasilake dhuwit tinimbang kualitas)
    The band's new album sounds too commercial.
  5. komersial (penerbangan, meluputi kegiatan maburake penumpang utawa kargo kanggo entuk bathi)
    He obtained his commercial pilot's license last year.

kata benda “commercial”

tunggal commercial, jamak commercials
  1. iklan
    She starred in a commercial for a new car.
  2. pedagang komersial
    Commercials are often hedging in futures markets.