nom “entry”
singular entry, plural entries o invariable
- entrada (en una llista)
Registreu-vos per veure les traduccions de les frases d'exemple i les definicions monolingües de cada paraula.
The dictionary has over 100,000 entries, each with detailed definitions.
- participació (en un concurs)
They received thousands of entries for the singing contest this year.
- una cosa o persona que es presenta a una competició
The cake was the local bakery's entry in the baking contest.
- entrada (acte d'entrar)
His sudden entry into the room caught everyone by surprise.
- entrada (porta o passadís)
We waited at the main entry for the museum to open.
- rebedor
Please leave your umbrella in the entry before coming inside.
- entrada (punt d'inici musical)
She practiced her entry so she wouldn't miss her cue.
- entrada (en un conjunt de dades)
Each entry in the customer database must include a contact number.
- element (en una matriu o taula)
The entry in the second row and first column is incorrect.