outside (EN)
наречие, прилагателно, съществително име, предлог

наречие “outside”

  1. навън
    The kids are playing outside.
  2. отвън
    The teacher asked the students to wait outside while she prepared the classroom.
  3. на свобода
    After serving ten years, John felt strange being outside again.

прилагателно “outside”

outside, non-gradable
  1. външен
    The outside walls of the house are painted blue.
  2. периферен
    The car in the outside lane had to travel a longer distance around the curve.
  3. външен (не в групата)
    The company hired an outside expert to review their financial practices.
  4. външен (не от групата)
    The company was cautious about using outside advice for their new project.
  5. (Великобритания) разположен от страната на пътя, която е най-близо до средата
    She switched to the outside lane to overtake the slower car.
  6. (САЩ) разположен от страната на пътя, която е най-близо до ръба
    She switched to the outside lane to prepare for her exit off the highway.

съществително име “outside”

sg. outside, pl. outsides
  1. външна част
    She cleaned the outside of the windows to make them sparkle.
  2. околност
    The house looks better from the outside than from the inside.
  3. външен вид
    Despite his rough outside, he was very kind and gentle.
  4. външната част (на завой)
    During the race, the motorcycle went around the outside of the curve.
  5. външната лента (на път)
    Cars should in general overtake on the outside.

предлог “outside”

  1. отвън
    The kids are playing outside the house.
  2. извън
    Many people commute to work from outside London.
  3. извън
    The decision is outside my area of expertise.
  4. освен
    Outside of his family, he had very few close friends.