talk (EN)
fel, isim

fel “talk”

talk; he talks; past talked, part. talked; ger. talking
  1. danışmaq
    They talked for hours about their favorite movies.
  2. ünsiyyət qurmaq
    The two robots can talk to each other using wireless signals.
  3. müzakirə etmək
    We need to talk about your grades.
  4. danışmaq (müəyyən dildə)
    She talks Spanish with her grandmother.
  5. qeybət etmək
    After the party, everyone in the office started talking about Sarah's new boyfriend.
  6. məlumat vermək (istəmədən)
    Despite their threats, she wouldn't talk about what she saw.
  7. danışmaq (ağıllı və ya ağılsız)
    He often talks nonsense when he's tired.
  8. vurğulamaq
    They're talking a huge project with hundreds of people involved.
  9. tənqid etmək (özün də günahkarsan)
    She always talks about others being late, but she's the one who is never on time.

isim “talk”

sg. talk, pl. talks or uncountable
  1. söhbət
    Let's have a talk about your plans for the future.
  2. səslər (heyvanlar və ya əşyalar)
    The dolphins' clicks and whistles sounded like underwater talk.
  3. çıxış
    Professor Smith will give a talk on climate change tomorrow.
  4. mövzu
    Their dinner was filled with political talk that lasted for hours.
  5. şayiələr
    There's talk around the office that the company might be merging with a competitor.
  6. boş sözlər
    He says he'll help, but it's just talk.
  7. müzakirə mövzusu
    His surprise resignation became the talk of the office.
  8. danışıqlar
    The leaders held talks to negotiate a peace agreement.
  9. ciddi söhbət (valideyn-uşaq, həyat mövzuları, xüsusilə seks)
    It's time for us to have the talk with Emily about growing up and relationships.