sögn “talk”
nafnháttur talk; hann talks; þátíð talked; lh. þt. talked; nhm. talking
- tala
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
They talked for hours about their favorite movies.
- tjá
The two robots can talk to each other using wireless signals.
- ræða
We need to talk about your grades.
- tala (á ákveðnu tungumáli)
She talks Spanish with her grandmother.
- slúðra
After the party, everyone in the office started talking about Sarah's new boyfriend.
- segja (óviljugur)
Despite their threats, she wouldn't talk about what she saw.
- tala (með gáfum eða heimsku)
He often talks nonsense when he's tired.
- ýkja
They're talking a huge project with hundreds of people involved.
- gagnrýna (fyrir það sama)
She always talks about others being late, but she's the one who is never on time.
Nafnorð “talk”
eintala talk, fleirtala talks eða óteljanlegt
- samtal
Let's have a talk about your plans for the future.
- hljóð (frá dýrum eða hlutum)
The dolphins' clicks and whistles sounded like underwater talk.
- fyrirlestur
Professor Smith will give a talk on climate change tomorrow.
- umræðuefni
Their dinner was filled with political talk that lasted for hours.
- orðrómur
There's talk around the office that the company might be merging with a competitor.
- orð (án athafna)
He says he'll help, but it's just talk.
- umtalsefni
His surprise resignation became the talk of the office.
- viðræður
The leaders held talks to negotiate a peace agreement.
- alvarlegt samtal (um mikilvæga lífsþætti, sérstaklega um kynlíf)
It's time for us to have the talk with Emily about growing up and relationships.