hear (EN)

动词 “hear”

hear; he hears; past heard, part. heard; ger. hearing
  1. As I walked through the forest, I heard the birds chirping in the trees.
  2. 得知(通过交流获得信息)
    When she heard about the school's closure, she immediately called her friends to discuss it.
  3. 考虑(愿意被说服地考虑请求)
    After much deliberation, the committee decided to hear his appeal for additional funding.
  4. 接触(与某人保持联系)
    After moving to a new city, I haven't heard from my old friends in months.
  5. 审理(在正式场合听取法律辩论或证词)
    The judge will hear the testimony of the key witness tomorrow morning.
  6. 理解(同情或赞同某人的感受或观点)
    You're frustrated with the slow internet? I totally hear you on that.

感叹词 “hear”

  1. 听到(英国议会用语,表示同意或支持)
    When the MP proposed more funding for the NHS, the chamber erupted with shouts of "Hear, hear!" in agreement.