
school (EN)
danh từ, động từ

danh từ “school”

sg. school, pl. schools or uncountable
  1. trường học
    The children attend school five days a week.
  2. giờ học
    She stays after school to participate in sports.
  3. khoa (trong trường đại học)
    He is studying at the School of Medicine.
  4. trung tâm đào tạo
    She enrolled in a driving school to get her license.
  5. trường phái
    The Impressionist school revolutionized painting.
  6. trường phái (trong một giai đoạn)
    He was a gentleman of the old school.
  7. đàn (cá)
    We saw a large school of dolphins during our boat trip.

động từ “school”

school; he schools; past schooled, part. schooled; ger. schooling
  1. dạy dỗ
    Many future leaders were schooled in these prestigious institutions.
  2. (ngôn ngữ không trang trọng) đánh bại hoặc vượt trội ai đó một cách dứt khoát
    The experienced player schooled the rookie during the match.
  3. (bầy cá) bơi cùng nhau thành nhóm
    The fish school together to protect themselves from predators.