
school (EN)
ном маъноӣ، феъл

ном маъноӣ “school”

sg. school, pl. schools or uncountable
  1. мактаб
    The children attend school five days a week.
  2. дарс
    She stays after school to participate in sports.
  3. факултет
    He is studying at the School of Medicine.
  4. курс
    She enrolled in a driving school to get her license.
  5. мактаб (дар санъат ё адабиёт)
    The Impressionist school revolutionized painting.
  6. мактаб (анъанаҳо ё усулҳо)
    He was a gentleman of the old school.
  7. гала
    We saw a large school of dolphins during our boat trip.

феъл “school”

school; he schools; past schooled, part. schooled; ger. schooling
  1. таълим додан
    Many future leaders were schooled in these prestigious institutions.
  2. (гуфтугӯӣ) касеро комилан мағлуб ё аз касе пурра пеш гузаштан
    The experienced player schooled the rookie during the match.
  3. (дар бораи моҳӣ) якҷоя шино кардан дар гурӯҳ
    The fish school together to protect themselves from predators.