
school (EN)
nom, verb

nom “school”

sg. school, pl. schools or uncountable
  1. escola
    The children attend school five days a week.
  2. escola (temps lectiu)
    She stays after school to participate in sports.
  3. facultat
    He is studying at the School of Medicine.
  4. escola (centre especialitzat)
    She enrolled in a driving school to get her license.
  5. escola (moviment artístic o intel·lectual)
    The Impressionist school revolutionized painting.
  6. escola (tradicions o pràctiques)
    He was a gentleman of the old school.
  7. banc
    We saw a large school of dolphins during our boat trip.

verb “school”

school; he schools; past schooled, part. schooled; ger. schooling
  1. educar
    Many future leaders were schooled in these prestigious institutions.
  2. (informal) derrotar o superar algú de manera contundent
    The experienced player schooled the rookie during the match.
  3. (només per a peixos) nedar junts en grup
    The fish school together to protect themselves from predators.