ot “detail”
yakka detail, koʻplik details yoki sanalmaydigan
- mayda juz
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
Note this fine detail in the lower left corner of the painting; it's a tiny signature.
- batafsil tavsif (mayda juzlarning ko'pligi)
This etching is full of detail, making it a masterpiece of complexity.
- sezilmaydigan mayda juzlar
Attention to detail was said to be one of the secrets of Gerrard's success as a player.
- e'tiborsiz qoldiriladigan mayda juz
I don't concern myself with the details of accounting; I focus on the big picture.
- shaxsiy ma'lumotlar
The arresting officer asked the suspect for his details before taking him to the station.
- vaqtinchalik guruh yoki topshiriq (harbiy yoki militsiya kontekstida)
Frequently members of the small police detail dispatched to the scene joined in the search.
- katta rasmning alohida qismi
The six-cent postage stamp showing a detail from one of her most patriotic works became a collector's item.
feʼl “detail”
infinitive detail; u details; oʻtgan zamon detailed; oʻtgan zamon part. detailed; ger. detailing
- batafsil tavsiflash
I'll detail the exact procedure to you later, so you'll know how to operate the machinery.
- avtomobilni puxta tozalash
We need to have the minivan detailed before we put it up for sale.
- maxsus vazifaga tayinlash
Stiles was detailed to keep him quiet during the operation to avoid any leaks.