detail (EN)
isim, fiil

isim “detail”

sg. detail, pl. details or uncountable
  1. küçük parça
    Note this fine detail in the lower left corner of the painting; it's a tiny signature.
  2. detay zenginliği
    This etching is full of detail, making it a masterpiece of complexity.
  3. gözden kaçan küçük parçalar
    Attention to detail was said to be one of the secrets of Gerrard's success as a player.
  4. önemsiz görülen parça
    I don't concern myself with the details of accounting; I focus on the big picture.
  5. kişisel bilgiler (örneğin, ad ve adres gibi)
    The arresting officer asked the suspect for his details before taking him to the station.
  6. geçici görev gücü (özellikle askeri veya polis kuvvetlerinde)
    Frequently members of the small police detail dispatched to the scene joined in the search.
  7. büyük bir resmin belirli bir bölümü
    The six-cent postage stamp showing a detail from one of her most patriotic works became a collector's item.

fiil “detail”

detail; he details; past detailed, part. detailed; ger. detailing
  1. ayrıntılı olarak anlatmak
    I'll detail the exact procedure to you later, so you'll know how to operate the machinery.
  2. aracı özenle temizlemek
    We need to have the minivan detailed before we put it up for sale.
  3. birine özel bir görev atamak
    Stiles was detailed to keep him quiet during the operation to avoid any leaks.