standard (EN)
прикметник, іменник

прикметник “standard”

  1. стандартний
    The restaurant offers a standard portion size that satisfies most customers.
  2. визнаний
    Shakespeare is considered a standard writer in English literature.
  3. з механічною коробкою передач (для автомобілів)
    She preferred driving a standard car because it gave her more control over the vehicle's speed.
  4. базовий
    Air conditioning comes as standard equipment in most new cars.
  5. стандартний (у лінгвістиці)
    She speaks in standard English, which is taught in schools across the country.

іменник “standard”

sg. standard, pl. standards
  1. стандарт
    The company uses a set of strict standards to ensure all their products meet high-quality expectations.
  2. рівень якості
    The restaurant's food did not meet our usual standards, so we decided not to return.
  3. шлягер
    "Moon River" is considered a jazz standard, beloved by many generations.
  4. автомобіль з механічною коробкою передач
    My dad taught me how to drive using his old standard, and now I prefer it over automatics.
  5. стандартна пляшка
    For our dinner party, I bought a standard bottle of Merlot to share.
  6. стовп
    The living room was brightly lit by a lamp standard placed next to the sofa.
  7. прапор (у військовому контексті)
    The soldiers rallied around their standard, a symbol of their unity and strength, as they prepared for battle.