сын атооч “standard”
негизги форма standard (more/most)
- кадимки
Катталыңыз, мисал сүйлөмдөрдүн котормолорун жана ар бир сөздүн бир тилдеги аныктамаларын көрүү үчүн.
The restaurant offers a standard portion size that satisfies most customers.
- таанымал
Shakespeare is considered a standard writer in English literature.
- механикалык берүү (автоунааларга тиешелүү)
She preferred driving a standard car because it gave her more control over the vehicle's speed.
- негизги
Air conditioning comes as standard equipment in most new cars.
- стандарттуу (лингвистикада)
She speaks in standard English, which is taught in schools across the country.
аталыш сөз “standard”
жекелик standard, көптүк standards
- стандарт (эреже же өлчөм катары)
The company uses a set of strict standards to ensure all their products meet high-quality expectations.
- стандарт (кабыл алынган деңгээл)
The restaurant's food did not meet our usual standards, so we decided not to return.
- стандарт (көп белгилүү жана популярдуу музыкалык чыгарма)
"Moon River" is considered a jazz standard, beloved by many generations.
- механикалык берүүсү бар унаа
My dad taught me how to drive using his old standard, and now I prefer it over automatics.
- стандарттык шишке (0.750 литр)
For our dinner party, I bought a standard bottle of Merlot to share.
- тирөөч (мисалы, чыракты кармаган)
The living room was brightly lit by a lamp standard placed next to the sofa.
- аскердик желек (желек же туу катары)
The soldiers rallied around their standard, a symbol of their unity and strength, as they prepared for battle.