narrow (EN)
sıfat, isim, fiil

sıfat “narrow”

narrow, narrower, narrowest
  1. Dar
    The bridge was so narrow that only one car could cross at a time.
  2. Sınırlı (alan veya boyut açısından)
    His expertise was in a narrow field of quantum physics.
  3. Katı (kurallar veya düşünceler açısından)
    Her narrow view of the issue ignored the underlying causes.
  4. Dar görüşlü
    His narrow attitudes towards other cultures were a barrier to making friends abroad.
  5. Az farkla (örneğin, bir yarışta)
    The team won the game by a narrow margin of two points.

isim “narrow”

narrows, plural only
  1. Boğaz (coğrafi olarak dar geçitler için)
    The ship carefully navigated through the narrows.

fiil “narrow”

narrow; he narrows; past narrowed, part. narrowed; ger. narrowing
  1. Daraltmak
    The tailor had to narrow the waist of the dress to fit her perfectly.
  2. Daralmak
    As we entered the village, the wide road narrowed into a cobblestone path.