
R (EN)
barua, nomino, sifa, ishara

Neno hili pia linaweza kuwa aina ya:
r (barua, ishara)

barua “R”

  1. umbo la herufi "r" katika herufi kubwa
    Rachel wrote her name with a capital R at the beginning.

nomino “R”

umoja R, wingi Rs au isiyohesabika
  1. kifupisho cha Republican (nchini Marekani)
    It will be Donald Trump (R) vs. Joe Biden (D).
  2. katika muktadha wa kisheria, inawakilisha taji au serikali katika kesi za mahakama (kutoka Kilatini "rex" = mfalme)
    In the case of R v Johnson, the prosecution was brought by the state.
  3. kifupisho cha Alhamisi katika ratiba za kimasomo
    My classes are scheduled for M T W R, with Thursdays being my longest day.

sifa “R”

msingi R, isiyopimika
  1. kiwango cha filamu "kimezuiliwa" (hakifai kwa watoto walio chini ya umri fulani bila uangalizi wa mtu mzima)
    The movie was rated R, so anyone under 17 needed an adult to accompany them.
  2. kifupisho cha "nyuma" (kinatumika kwa mfano kwenye magari)
    Put the car in R for backing up.
  3. kulia
    Press the R key on the controller.

ishara “R”

  1. randi (sarafu ya Afrika Kusini)
    I exchanged my dollars for R500 to spend during my trip to South Africa.
  2. ishara ya mnara katika mchezo wa chess
    R to H8 puts the opponent's king in check.
  3. roentgen (kipimo cha kiasi cha mionzi inayoweza kuioniza)
    The X-ray machine was calibrated to emit a dose of 5 R to ensure it was safe for diagnostic use.
  4. ishara ya upinzani wa umeme (katika fizikia)
    You can use the formula R = V/I, where V is voltage, and I is current.
  5. radikali isiyoainishwa katika kemia ya kikaboni
    In the molecule RCOOH, "R" represents any alkyl group attached to the carboxylic acid group.
  6. katika jenetiki, kifupisho cha herufi 1 kwa purini yoyote
    In the DNA sequence, an "R" indicates the presence of either adenine or guanine at that position.
  7. ishara ya asidi amino arginine katika biochemistry
    In the protein sequence, "R" stands for arginine, an amino acid important for muscle metabolism.