Tembung iki uga bisa dadi wangun saka:
aksara “R”
- wujud aksara gedhe saka huruf "r"
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
Rachel wrote her name with a capital R at the beginning.
kata benda “R”
tunggal R, jamak Rs utawa ora bisa diitung
- singkatan saka Republican (nang Amérika Sarékat)
It will be Donald Trump (R) vs. Joe Biden (D).
- ing konteks hukum, iku ngwakili mahkota utawa pemerintah ing kasus pengadilan (saka Latin "rex" = raja)
In the case of R v Johnson, the prosecution was brought by the state.
- singkatan dina Kemis ing jadwal akademik
My classes are scheduled for M T W R, with Thursdays being my longest day.
sifat “R”
bentuk dasar R, ora bisa diukur
- peringkat film "dibatesi" (ora cocog kanggo bocah ing ngisor umur tartamtu tanpa pengawasan wong dewasa)
The movie was rated R, so anyone under 17 needed an adult to accompany them.
- singkatan saka "mundur" (digunakake contone ing mobil)
Put the car in R for backing up.
- tengen
Press the R key on the controller.
lambang “R”
- rand (mata uang Afrika Selatan)
I exchanged my dollars for R500 to spend during my trip to South Africa.
- simbol kanggo bentèng ing catur
R to H8 puts the opponent's king in check.
- roentgen (satuan ukuran kanggo jumlah radiasi ionisasi)
The X-ray machine was calibrated to emit a dose of 5 R to ensure it was safe for diagnostic use.
- simbol kanggo tahanan listrik (ing fisika)
You can use the formula R = V/I, where V is voltage, and I is current.
- radikal sing ora kasebut ing kimia organik
In the molecule RCOOH, "R" represents any alkyl group attached to the carboxylic acid group.
- ing genetika, akronim 1-huruf kanggo purin apa wae
In the DNA sequence, an "R" indicates the presence of either adenine or guanine at that position.
- simbol kanggo asam amino arginin ing biokimia
In the protein sequence, "R" stands for arginine, an amino acid important for muscle metabolism.