
R (EN)
слово, именица, придев, симбол

Ова реч може бити и облик:
r (слово, симбол)

слово “R”

  1. veliko slovo slova "r"
    Rachel wrote her name with a capital R at the beginning.

именица “R”

јединствени R, множина Rs или небројив
  1. skraćenica za Republikanac (u SAD)
    It will be Donald Trump (R) vs. Joe Biden (D).
  2. u pravnim kontekstima, predstavlja krunu ili vladu u sudskim slučajevima (iz latinskog "rex" = kralj)
    In the case of R v Johnson, the prosecution was brought by the state.
  3. skraćenica za četvrtak u akademskim rasporedima
    My classes are scheduled for M T W R, with Thursdays being my longest day.

придев “R”

основни облик R, непроменљив
  1. film sa oznakom "ograničen" (nije prikladan za decu ispod određenog uzrasta bez nadzora odrasle osobe)
    The movie was rated R, so anyone under 17 needed an adult to accompany them.
  2. skraćenica od "unazad" (koristi se npr. u automobilima)
    Put the car in R for backing up.
  3. десно
    Press the R key on the controller.

симбол “R”

  1. rand (južnoafrička valuta)
    I exchanged my dollars for R500 to spend during my trip to South Africa.
  2. simbol za topa u šahu
    R to H8 puts the opponent's king in check.
  3. rentgen (jedinica za merenje količine jonizujućeg zračenja)
    The X-ray machine was calibrated to emit a dose of 5 R to ensure it was safe for diagnostic use.
  4. simbol za električni otpor (u fizici)
    You can use the formula R = V/I, where V is voltage, and I is current.
  5. neodređeni radikal u organskoj hemiji
    In the molecule RCOOH, "R" represents any alkyl group attached to the carboxylic acid group.
  6. u genetici, jednoslovna skraćenica za bilo koji purin
    In the DNA sequence, an "R" indicates the presence of either adenine or guanine at that position.
  7. simbol za aminokiselinu arginin u biohemiji
    In the protein sequence, "R" stands for arginine, an amino acid important for muscle metabolism.