soft (EN)

mbiemër “soft”

soft, softer, softest
  1. i butë
    My head sank easily into the soft pillow.
  2. i butë
    Polish the silver with a soft cloth to avoid scratching.
  3. i ulët (për zërin ose tingullin)
    I could hear the soft rustle of the leaves in the trees.
  4. i paforcë
    There was a soft breeze blowing.
  5. i ngrohtë (në kontekstin e treguar mëshirë ose dashamirësie)
    He spoke with a soft voice that conveyed his kindness.
  6. i zbehtë (për ngjyrat ose tonet)
    The room was bathed in soft lighting, creating a cozy atmosphere.
  7. i zbutur (në fonetikë, kur një zanore ndikohet nga një bashkëtingëllore palatale)
    The linguist explained how the soft sign in Russian indicates a palatalized consonant.
  8. i butë (për ujin që përmban pak minerale)
    You won't need as much soap, as the water here is very soft.
  9. i dobët (në kontekstin e mungesës së forcës ose qëndrueshmërisë)
    After the long hike, his muscles felt soft and he struggled to keep walking.
  10. i përkohshëm (për gjëra që nuk janë të qëndrueshme ose plotësisht të vendosura)
    The admin imposed a soft ban on the user, limiting their access for a week.
  11. i lehtë (në kontekstin e substancave që kanë pak gjasa të shkaktojnë varësi)
    Marijuana is often considered a soft drug compared to substances like heroin.
  12. pa alkool
    At the party, she only drank soft drinks to stay clear-headed.
  13. i butë (në kontekstin e sjelljes që nuk është e ashpër ose e kërkuar)
    The teacher was soft on homework, rarely giving more than a few problems each night.
  14. i moderuar (për përmbajtje që është më pak e hapur ose e drejtpërdrejtë)
    The movie was rated as soft erotica due to its suggestive but not explicit content.