soft (EN)

विशेषण “soft”

soft, softer, softest
  1. कोमल
    My head sank easily into the soft pillow.
  2. मऊ
    Polish the silver with a soft cloth to avoid scratching.
  3. आवाज कमी (ध्वनीच्या संदर्भात)
    I could hear the soft rustle of the leaves in the trees.
  4. नरम (बळ किंवा ताकदीच्या संदर्भात)
    There was a soft breeze blowing.
  5. दयाळू
    He spoke with a soft voice that conveyed his kindness.
  6. मंद (रंग किंवा टोनच्या संदर्भात)
    The room was bathed in soft lighting, creating a cozy atmosphere.
  7. मृदू उच्चार (तालव्य व्यंजनाच्या उपस्थितीमुळे)
    The linguist explained how the soft sign in Russian indicates a palatalized consonant.
  8. कमी खनिजांचे (पाण्याच्या संदर्भात)
    You won't need as much soap, as the water here is very soft.
  9. बळकटी नसलेले (सामर्थ्य किंवा प्रतिकारशक्तीच्या संदर्भात)
    After the long hike, his muscles felt soft and he struggled to keep walking.
  10. स्थायी नसलेले (स्थिती किंवा स्थापनेच्या संदर्भात)
    The admin imposed a soft ban on the user, limiting their access for a week.
  11. व्यसनाधीन करणार नाही (औषधांच्या संदर्भात)
    Marijuana is often considered a soft drug compared to substances like heroin.
  12. मद्यरहित (पेयांच्या संदर्भात)
    At the party, she only drank soft drinks to stay clear-headed.
  13. शिथिल (व्यवहार किंवा नियमांच्या संदर्भात)
    The teacher was soft on homework, rarely giving more than a few problems each night.
  14. थोडे कमी अश्लील (सामग्रीच्या संदर्भात)
    The movie was rated as soft erotica due to its suggestive but not explicit content.