free (EN)
pridevnik, glagol

pridevnik “free”

free, freer, freest
  1. brezplačen
    The museum offers free admission every Sunday.
  2. prost
    The parking spot next to the blue car is free if you want to park there.
  3. svoboden (v smislu, da lahko nekaj počne)
    After finishing his homework, he was free to play video games all evening.
  4. svoboden (v smislu, da ni v fizični pripori ali ujetništvu)
    After years of captivity, the bird was finally free and flew into the open sky.
  5. svoboden (v smislu, da država zagotavlja posameznikove svoboščine)
    In a free society, everyone has the right to express their opinions without fear of government retaliation.
  6. prosto dostopen (za programsko opremo, ki je na voljo za uporabo, spreminjanje in distribucijo z minimalnimi ali brez omejitev)
    Linux is a free operating system that allows users to modify and share it without restrictions.
  7. neoviran
    After hours of work, the path through the snow was finally free.
  8. prost (v smislu, da ni pritrjen na kaj ali kemično združen)
    In the experiment, they discovered a molecule with a free electron.
  9. brez (v smislu, da nekaj ne vsebuje)
    She drinks only water that is free of impurities.
  10. prosto generiran (v teoriji grup, ki je značilna po tem, da ima množico generatorjev, ki ne zadovoljujejo nobenih netrivialnih relacij)
    In our study, we found that the group generated by the letters a and b is free.
  11. prost (v logiki, v smislu, da ni omejen z kvantifikatorji)
    In the expression x > 5, x is a free variable.

glagol “free”

free; he frees; past freed, part. freed; ger. freeing
  1. osvoboditi
    The police freed the people who were taken hostage.
  2. osvoboditi (v smislu odstraniti nekaj, kar omejuje ali obremenjuje)
    The locksmith freed the dog from its tight chain.
  3. sprostiti (v programiranju, vrniti prostor v pomnilniku sistemu za ponovno uporabo)
    After the program finished using the data, it freed the memory to prevent leaks.