omadussõna “free”
free, keskvõrre freer, ülivõrre freest
- tasuta
Registreeruge, et näha näitelauseid ja iga sõna ükskeelseid definitsioone.
The museum offers free admission every Sunday.
- vaba
The parking spot next to the blue car is free if you want to park there.
- vaba (tegema midagi)
After finishing his homework, he was free to play video games all evening.
- vaba (ei ole füüsiliselt piiratud ega vangistuses)
After years of captivity, the bird was finally free and flew into the open sky.
- vaba (riik, mis tagab individuaalsed vabadused)
In a free society, everyone has the right to express their opinions without fear of government retaliation.
- vabavaraline
Linux is a free operating system that allows users to modify and share it without restrictions.
- takistamatu
After hours of work, the path through the snow was finally free.
- vaba (ei ole millegagi seotud ega keemiliselt ühendatud)
In the experiment, they discovered a molecule with a free electron.
- ilma (näiteks ilma suhkruta)
She drinks only water that is free of impurities.
- vaba (rühmateoorias, millel on generaatorite hulk, mis ei rahulda mitte-triviaalseid seoseid)
In our study, we found that the group generated by the letters a and b is free.
- vaba (loogikas, piiranguteta kvantorite suhtes)
In the expression x > 5, x is a free variable.
tegusõna “free”
infinitiiv free; ta frees; minevik freed; mineviku kesks. freed; ger. freeing
- vabastama
The police freed the people who were taken hostage.
- vabastama (millegi koormavast või piiravast)
The locksmith freed the dog from its tight chain.
- vabastama (programmeerimises, tagastama mäluruumi süsteemile taaskasutamiseks)
After the program finished using the data, it freed the memory to prevent leaks.