how (EN)
príslovka, spojka, podstatné meno

príslovka “how”

  1. ako veľmi
    How loudly can you sing?
  2. ako (spôsobom)
    How did she manage to climb that high wall?
  3. prečo
    How would I guess she's allergic to peanuts if she never told me?
  4. ako dobre
    How do I look? How does it sound? How did I do?
  5. pod akým menom
    How should I refer to the new manager in my email?
  6. v akom stave
    Hi, how are you?
  7. akože (vyjadruje prekvapenie alebo radosť)
    How wonderfully you sing!

spojka “how”

  1. ako
    She showed me how she bakes her famous apple pie.
  2. akokoľvek
    You can decorate your room how you like; it's your personal space.
  3. že (v zmysle "som rád, že")
    He told me how he went to the cinema yesterday.

podstatné meno “how”

sg. how, pl. hows or uncountable
  1. spôsob
    When you try to make something complex, knowing the how is often more difficult than understanding the why.