front (EN)
podstatné meno, prídavné meno, sloveso

podstatné meno “front”

sg. front, pl. fronts or uncountable
  1. predná strana
    The front of the car was damaged in the accident.
  2. pred
    The dog ran to the front, not sideways.
  3. priečelie
    The north front of the museum is decorated with beautiful statues.
  4. promenáda
    We enjoyed a lovely walk along the front, watching the waves crash against the shore.
  5. front (bojisko)
    The soldiers were exhausted after weeks of intense battles at the front.
  6. oblasť
    The company is making great strides on the technological front, developing new software that could revolutionize the industry.
  7. pretvárka
    His confidence is just a front to cover up his insecurity.
  8. krytie (nelegálnej činnosti)
    The charity organization turned out to be a front for illegal money laundering activities.
  9. front (meteorologický)
    A cold front is moving through the area, bringing thunderstorms and cooler temperatures.
  10. organizácia, ktorá je veľmi aktívna v určitej veci
    The Environmental Action Front is dedicated to fighting climate change.

prídavné meno “front”

front, non-gradable
  1. predný
    The front door of the house was painted bright red.
  2. (v termínovaných kontraktoch) najbližší
    Traders are focusing on the front month contract, which is set to expire next month.
  3. predný (jazyková poloha)
    The vowel sound in the word "see" is a front vowel.

sloveso “front”

front; he fronts; past fronted, part. fronted; ger. fronting
  1. čeliť
    The hotel fronts the beautiful beach.
  2. ozdobiť prednú časť
    The house was fronted with beautiful flower boxes that added a splash of color to the entrance.
  3. vyslovovať predne
    In some dialects, speakers tend to front the "k" sound in "key" so it sounds more like "t".
  4. umiestniť na začiatok
    Excited about the trip, she fronted the phrase "to the beach" in her sentence.
  5. zastupovať
    Sarah is fronting a new initiative to promote recycling in her community.
  6. (slangovo) predstierať, že je niekto vedúci alebo hlavná postava niečoho, kryjúc skutočného vodcu
    Jake was fronting for the illegal gambling ring while pretending to run a legitimate bar.