adjectiv “private”
formă de bază private (more/most)
- privat
Înscrieți-vă pentru a vedea traducerile exemplelor de propoziții și definițiile monolingve ale fiecărui cuvânt.
They held a private meeting in the boardroom.
- personal
She doesn't share details about her private life on social media.
- retras
They enjoyed a picnic in a private spot by the river.
- confidențial
Please keep this information private until we can make an official announcement.
- Reticent (rezervat; care nu dorește să împărtășească gânduri sau sentimente personale)
He's a very private person and rarely discusses his feelings.
- privat (sectorul privat)
He decided to work in private industry rather than for the government.
- privat (despre o cameră de spital, care nu este împărțită cu alți pacienți)
She stayed in a private room after her surgery.
- privat (necotat la bursă)
The company chose to remain private.
- privat (informatică, accesibil doar în cadrul unei anumite clase sau module)
The variable was declared private to prevent external access.
substantiv “private”
singular private, plural privates
- soldat
As a private, she followed orders from her superiors.