
private (EN)
adjectif, nom

adjectif “private”

forme de base private (more/most)
  1. privé (réservé à une personne ou un groupe particulier)
    They held a private meeting in the boardroom.
  2. personnel
    She doesn't share details about her private life on social media.
  3. isolé
    They enjoyed a picnic in a private spot by the river.
  4. confidentiel
    Please keep this information private until we can make an official announcement.
  5. réservé (réservé ; ne souhaitant pas partager ses pensées ou sentiments personnels)
    He's a very private person and rarely discusses his feelings.
  6. privé (relatif au secteur privé)
    He decided to work in private industry rather than for the government.
  7. privé (d'une chambre d'hôpital, non partagée avec d'autres patients)
    She stayed in a private room after her surgery.
  8. privé (non coté en bourse)
    The company chose to remain private.
  9. privé (informatique, accessible uniquement au sein d'une classe ou d'un module particulier)
    The variable was declared private to prevent external access.

nom “private”

s. private, pl. privates
  1. soldat
    As a private, she followed orders from her superiors.