
object (EN)
substantiv, verb

substantiv “object”

singular object, plural objects
  1. obiect
    She picked up a small object lying on the ground.
  2. scop
    His main object was to win the championship.
  3. obiect (persoană sau lucru spre care este îndreptat un sentiment sau o acțiune)
    She became the object of everyone's attention.
  4. complement
    In "They built a house," "a house" is the object.
  5. un exemplu al unei clase în programarea orientată pe obiecte
    The software stores each user as an object in the database.
  6. un element matematic abstract în teoria categoriilor, legat prin morfisme
    In category theory, objects are connected by arrows.

verb “object”

infinitiv object; el objects; trecut objected; part. trecut objected; ger. objecting
  1. a se opune
    The neighbors objected to the noise coming from the party.