Substantiv “object”
Sg. object, Pl. objects
- Gegenstand
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She picked up a small object lying on the ground.
- Ziel
His main object was to win the championship.
- Objekt (Person oder Sache, auf die sich ein Gefühl oder eine Handlung richtet)
She became the object of everyone's attention.
- Objekt (Grammatik)
In "They built a house," "a house" is the object.
- eine Instanz einer Klasse in der objektorientierten Programmierung
The software stores each user as an object in the database.
- ein abstraktes mathematisches Objekt in der Kategorientheorie, das durch Morphismen in Beziehung steht
In category theory, objects are connected by arrows.
Verb “object”
Infinitiv object; er objects; Prät. objected; Part. objected; Ger. objecting
- widersprechen
The neighbors objected to the noise coming from the party.