
object (EN)
Nafnorð, sögn

Nafnorð “object”

eintala object, fleirtala objects
  1. hlutur
    She picked up a small object lying on the ground.
  2. markmið
    His main object was to win the championship.
  3. viðfang
    She became the object of everyone's attention.
  4. andlag
    In "They built a house," "a house" is the object.
  5. dæmi af klasa í hlutbundinni forritun
    The software stores each user as an object in the database.
  6. abstrakt stærðfræðilegt fyrirbæri í flokkunarfræði, tengt með formbreytingum
    In category theory, objects are connected by arrows.

sögn “object”

nafnháttur object; hann objects; þátíð objected; lh. þt. objected; nhm. objecting
  1. mótmæla
    The neighbors objected to the noise coming from the party.