controlled (EN)

Acest cuvânt poate fi, de asemenea, o formă a:
control (verb)

adjectiv “controlled”

  1. planificat și executat cu atenție
    The scientist conducted a controlled experiment to ensure accurate results.
  2. calm și compus
    Despite the chaos around him, his response was measured and controlled.
  3. care implică o comparație cu un standard sau un grup de control (în special în studiile științifice)
    The study's findings were more reliable because it was a controlled experiment, comparing the effects of the drug to a placebo group.
  4. restricționat sau reglementat prin legi sau reguli
    The controlled substances list includes various drugs that are regulated by the government.
  5. guvernat sau supravegheat de o autoritate sau un grup specific
    The factory was located in a government-controlled area, ensuring strict adherence to safety regulations.