control (EN)
verb, substantiv, substantiv

verb “control”

control; he controls; past controlled, part. controlled; ger. controlling
  1. a controla
    She controls the volume of the music with her phone.
  2. a limita
    To stay healthy, she controls her sugar intake.
  3. a se stăpâni
    Despite the frustration, she controlled herself and spoke calmly.
  4. a organiza un experiment astfel încât să se minimizeze impactul variabilelor externe
    In their study on diet and heart health, the researchers controlled for age and exercise habits to isolate the effects of food intake.

substantiv “control”

sg. control, pl. controls or uncountable
  1. controlul (puterea de a influența sau dirija comportamentul oamenilor sau cursul evenimentelor)
    She lost control of the car on the icy road.
  2. comanda (dispozitivul sau mecanismul folosit pentru a opera echipamente, mașini sau sisteme)
    To adjust the volume, simply turn the volume control on the radio to the right.
  3. autocontrolul
    She practiced deep breathing exercises to maintain control during the speech.
  4. măsurile de control (măsuri sau acțiuni luate pentru a proteja împotriva amenințărilor, a reduce pericolul sau a corecta slăbiciunile)
    Implementing strong password controls is essential for protecting our network from unauthorized access.
  5. etalonul (un standard față de care sunt comparate rezultatele unui test)
    In the study on the new diet's effectiveness, the control was fed a standard diet to compare results.

substantiv “control”

ctrl, control, singular only
  1. tasta Ctrl (butonul de pe tastatura unui calculator, abreviat ca Ctrl, folosit pentru comenzi speciale ale calculatorului)
    To copy text, press Control and the letter C at the same time.