controlled (EN)

이 단어는 다음의 형태일 수도 있습니다:
control (동사)

형용사 “controlled”

  1. 신중하게 계획되고 실행된
    The scientist conducted a controlled experiment to ensure accurate results.
  2. 침착한
    Despite the chaos around him, his response was measured and controlled.
  3. 표준이나 대조군과의 비교를 포함하는 (특히 과학 연구에서)
    The study's findings were more reliable because it was a controlled experiment, comparing the effects of the drug to a placebo group.
  4. 법이나 규칙에 의해 제한되거나 규제된
    The controlled substances list includes various drugs that are regulated by the government.
  5. 특정 권한이나 집단에 의해 관리되거나 감독된
    The factory was located in a government-controlled area, ensuring strict adherence to safety regulations.