controlled (EN)
īpašības vārds

Šis vārds var būt arī forma no:
control (darbības vārds)

īpašības vārds “controlled”

  1. rūpīgi plānots un izpildīts
    The scientist conducted a controlled experiment to ensure accurate results.
  2. mierīgs un savaldīgs
    Despite the chaos around him, his response was measured and controlled.
  3. ietverot salīdzinājumu ar standartu vai kontroles grupu (īpaši zinātniskos pētījumos)
    The study's findings were more reliable because it was a controlled experiment, comparing the effects of the drug to a placebo group.
  4. ierobežots vai regulēts ar likumiem vai noteikumiem
    The controlled substances list includes various drugs that are regulated by the government.
  5. pārvaldīts vai uzraudzīts no konkrētas autoritātes vai grupas puses
    The factory was located in a government-controlled area, ensuring strict adherence to safety regulations.